Keep Going 06

10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times And Bad


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Slay the Art Monsters

Art is for life (not the other way around).

“However glorious the history of art, the history of artists is quite another matter.”
—Ben Shahn

Words & phrases


the other way around 倒过来;从相反方向

You'd think you were the one who did me the favour, and not the other way around.


other way around 相反的方向或相反的顺序

She usually reads the book first and then watches the movie, but this time she did it the other way around.


slay: v.(以暴力)杀死;<美>(尤用于报章)谋杀;<非正式>给(某人)以极深印象,逗乐(某人)

Those old movies still slay me!


monsters: n.怪物;怪兽;妖怪(monster 的复数形式)

There are monsters outside.


My nominee for one of the dumbest sentences ever spoken about art goes to 60 Minutes commentator Andy Rooney, who said of Nirvana front man Kurt Cobain after his suicide, “No one’s art is better than the person who creates it.”

Words & phrases


nominee: n.被提名者,被任命者;(投资等的)名义持有人,注册人;代名人,代名组织

The presidential nominee was advised to choose a woman as a running mate.



  • 哑的

  • 蠢的(dumb 的最高级)

This programme disproves the theory that TV, a middlebrow medium, is neither as smart as the smartest films nor as dumb as the dumbest.


commentator / ˈkɑːmənteɪtər / n.现场解说员,实况播音员;评论员

He achieved celebrity as a sports commentator.


front man 作为幕后人物或名义领导者的人;乐队中的主唱或主要表演者

The CEO is just a front man for the real power behind the company.


Take a quick dip into any one of the thousands of years of art history and you’ll find that, no, actually, plenty of great art was made by jerks, creeps, assholes, vampires, perverts, and worse, all of whom left a trail of victims in their wake. To steal a term from Jenny Offill’s Dept. of Speculation, these people are what we call “Art Monsters.”

快速浏览一下几千年的艺术史,你会发现,事实上,很多伟大的艺术作品都是由混蛋、变态、混蛋、吸血鬼、变态甚至更糟的人创作的,他们都留下了一串受害者的痕迹。借用珍妮·奥菲尔(Jenny Offill)的推测部门的话,这些人就是我们所说的“艺术怪物”

It can be hard and downright painful to grapple with the idea that people we find reprehensible in their personal lives might also be capable of producing work that is beautiful, moving, or useful to us. How we handle and process that information and how we choose to move forward is part of our work.


Words & phrases

dip into 伸进……里;翻看……;动用……

I have only had time to dip into the report.



  • v.浸,蘸;下降,下沉;把(手)伸入;将(汽车前灯)调为近光;给(动物)洗药浴;减少,降低;(路面)下沉,向下倾斜;浏览,翻看;动用(款项等);<非正式>扒窃;(将蜡烛芯反复浸入热蜡中)制作(蜡烛);给(某人)施洗礼

  • n.(在液体中的)浸,蘸;游泳;减少,下降;调味酱汁,蘸料;向下倾斜处;药浴液;傻瓜,笨蛋;低洼处,凹陷处;翻阅,浏览;涉猎,了解;一勺(的量);(降而复升的)一动;(上坡前面)短距离的下坡;(与水平方向相比的向下的)倾角;视倾斜;<俚>扒手;<古>(将蜡烛芯反复浸入热蜡中)制作(蜡烛)

A brief dip into history serves to confirm this view.



  • n.急拉,急推;<美,非正式>傻瓜,坏蛋;肌肉抽搐;(举重)挺举;腌制后放在木火上烤的肉;颠簸,震摇

  • v.急拉,猛推;(举重)挺举过头;制肉干;(用调料浸泡及用木柴火烤)烹饪(猪肉,鸡肉)

  • adj.腌泡过的

I'm such a jerk.



  • n.缺磷症;佝偻病;毛骨悚然的感觉

  • v.爬;蔓延(creep 的第三人称单数形式)

The rabbit creeps away.



  • n.屁眼儿,肛门;令人讨厌的人

  • adj.愚蠢的;窝囊的;可恶的

I'm going to enjoy kicking these assholes off campus.



  • v.使走样,败坏;腐蚀,使堕落;使性欲反常,使性变态;歪曲,曲解

  • n.性变态者,性欲反常者

I hope the police track down these perverts and charge them with rape.


a trail of 一串:一连串的物体或事件。

The detective followed a trail of footprints to solve the mystery.


in sth.'s wake 在某事物的影响下:在某个事件或行动之后,随之而来的结果或影响。

When fish swim, they leave little swirling vortices in their wake.


speculation: n.投机,投机买卖;猜测,推测,推断

I am tired of all the speculation.



  • adj.(强调反面的或令人不快的事物)彻头彻尾的,十足的;(人的举止或行为)直截了当的,生硬的

  • adv.(强调反面的或令人不快的事物)彻头彻尾地,十足地

The man was downright rude to us.


grapple / ˈɡræpl /

  • v.扭打,搏斗;努力解决问题,应对困境(grapple with);抓住,抓牢(某人);<古>用抓钩抓住

  • n.格斗,摔跤;摔跤比赛;抓具,抓钩;抓斗机

grapple with 努力应对:与某事物搏斗或努力应对。

The new government has yet to grapple with the problem of air pollution.


reprehensible: adj.应斥责的;应该谴责的

I thought that is really reprehensible.


Now, we all have our own little Art Monsters inside us. We’re all complicated. We all have personal shortcomings. We’re all a little creepy, to a certain degree. If we didn’t believe that we could be a little better in our art than we are in our lives, then what, really, would be the point of art?

What is heartening right now, I think, is that our culture is having its moment of reckoning with Art Monsters. The terrible myth that being an absent parent, a cheater, an abuser, an addict, is somehow a prerequisite to or somehow excused by great work is slowly being torn down. If making great art ever gave anyone a Get Out of Jail Free card for their monstrous failures as a human being, I think those days are going away. And good riddance to them. Art Monsters are not necessary or glamorous and they are not to be condoned, pardoned, or emulated.

Words & phrases




creepy adj.<非正式>怪异的,令人毛骨悚然的;爬行的

As soon as you get them, you get loads of creepy guys.


heartening: adj.鼓舞人心的,令人振奋的

It is heartening to see the determination of these young people.


reckon with 结算账目或索赔;处理,应对;考虑到

We'll have to reckon with the consequences of our actions.



  • n.计算;清算;算账

  • v.计算;认为;指望(reckon 的现在分词)

The mechanical clock kept equal hours, and this implied a new time reckoning.


cheater: n.骗子;背叛者;眼镜

He was a ladies' man. A cheater. A player.


abuser: n.滥用者;施虐者

She forgave her abuser.



  • n.(尤指毒品)上瘾者,瘾君子;<非正式>对……入迷的人

  • v.使上瘾,使沉迷

He's only 24 years old and a drug addict.



  • n.先决条件,前提;预备课程

  • adj.先决的,必备的

Good self-esteem is a prerequisite for a happy life.


torn down: 拆除、摧毁或破坏

Most of the older buildings have been torn down and replaced by modern monstrosities.


get out of jail free 免于惩罚:指在某些游戏中的特殊卡牌,使用后可以让玩家免于惩罚或处罚。也可用于比喻,表示某人或某事物可以免于惩罚或处罚。

He thought he could get out of jail free, but the judge sentenced him to five years in prison.


monstrous / ˈmɑːnstrəs / adj.不公正道德的,残忍的;巨大的,庞大的;丑陋的,骇人的

"It's monstrous!" Jackie fumed.


riddance: n.摆脱;驱逐;解除

He's gone back to Cleveland in a huff, and good riddance.


glamorous: / ˈɡlæmərəs /adj.迷人的,富有魅力的

Smoking is still attractive to many young people who see it as glamorous.


condoned: v.宽恕;原谅(condone 的过去分词)

Terrorism can never be condoned.



  • n.赦免;宽恕,原谅;(中世纪欧洲出售的)赎罪券,赦罪符

  • v.赦免;宽恕,原谅;免除(债务);请原谅(表示礼貌,用于所问或所说的话有可能被认为无礼时)

  • int.(用于请求别人重复某事)什么,请再说一遍;对不起,不好意思(发出不雅声音之后的道歉用语);你说什么?(表示惊讶或者受到冒犯)

The convict was pardoned after serving five years of his sentence.


Great artists help people look at their lives with fresh eyes and a sense of possibility. “The purpose of being a serious writer is to keep people from despair,” writes Sarah Manguso. “If people read your work and, as a result, choose life, then you are doing your job.”

Quite simply: Art is supposed to make our lives better.

This is as true for the making of the art as it is for the art itself. If making your art is ruining anyone’s life, including your own, it is not worth making.

“There’s always going to be a temptation for people who are suffering to believe that to become an artist would be the solution when, in fact, it may be more of the problem,” says writer and psychologist Adam Phillips. “There are a number of people whom you might think of as casualties of the myth of the artist. They really should have done something else.”

Words & phrases


temptation / tempˈteɪʃ(ə)n / n.引诱,诱惑;诱惑人的东西;(魔鬼对耶稣的)引诱(the Temptation)

An expensive bicycle is a temptation to thieves.


casualties: n.伤亡人员;受害者(casualty 的复数)

Casualties remained remarkably low.


You might not be meant to be an artist. “You might be meant to teach kids math or raise money for a food bank or start a company that makes Rubik’s Cubes for babies,” writes comedian Mike Birbiglia. “Don’t rule out quitting. There is going to be an insane amount of work ahead, and your time might be spent better elsewhere.”

If making your art is adding net misery to the world, walk away and do something else. Find something else to do with your time, something that makes you and the people around you feel more alive.

The world doesn’t necessarily need more great artists. It needs more decent human beings.

Art is for life, not the other way around.

Words & phrases



be meant to be 注定要成为;命中注定

These letters seem to be meant to be read out loud.


rule out 排除、消除或阻止某事发生

He refused to rule out the possibility of a tax increase.



  • n.网,网状物;因特网;球网,球门网;广播网,通讯网;安全网;捕鱼总量;净赚,纯利;(板球)练球场;(板球)一次练球;网眼织物;陷阱;候选人的选择面

  • adj.净得的;净重的;最后的,最终的

  • v.净赚,净得;设法获得,巧妙地做;(用网)捕捉;(篮球或足球)得分,进(球);用网覆盖;(计算时)扣除……(以得出净额)

  • adv.净赚地

The group had a net profit margin of 30% last year.


misery / ˈmɪzəri / n.痛苦,苦难;穷困,悲惨境遇;<英,非正式>老发牢骚的人

Fame brought her nothing but misery.


“I am for an art that helps old ladies across the street.”
—Claes Oldenburg